Wednesday, February 07, 2007

bright shiny faces

Sorry, I got so busy with yesterday's blog posting that I neglected to mention that on Monday Charles, #66, and Ken, #83, each received their Y-DNA13-25 results and that the Y-Refine25to37 test was ordered for Cameron, #58.    Cameron is an Augusta/Washington Co. Berry and that order will give eleven of the 14 members of that family 37 marker results.    Pretty good.    Three to go.

I'll have more to say about the Augusta/Washington Co. Berrys tomorrow.

Meanwhile, those of you who have gotten new results, be sure to upload them to ySearch.    This doesn't happen automatically, only semi-automatically.   You don't have to type the numbers in but you do have to click the 'Click here to upload to' line in the 'Y-DNA Matches' tab on your FTDNA Personal Page.    Take a look.    If that line's not there, no worry.   You've already done it.    If it is there, click it.

Another reminder:   Everyone who hasn't yet done so, you really ought to go to your FTDNA Personal Page, click on the 'Setup Preferences' tab and select your matches to be set against the entire database.    Leaving it set to "display of matches only to my Surname Project" will severely limit your opportunity to see matches that may be of interest to you but are not yet in the Project.    Severely, as in 'No Chance'.

Yet another reminder:   If you are considering an upgrade, do it today before 5:00 p.m. Mountain Time.    Otherwise, your order will just sit around until next Wednesday before they process it in.


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