Friday, October 19, 2007

upgrade news

Janice ordered John's, #42, Y-Refine12to25 upgrade test yesterday evening.    That's a good move.    12 markers are really too few to tell anything meaningful about any matches they show.    John has six 12 marker matches with folks surnamed Barrett.    This should help determine whether they mean anything.    37 markers would be better, in theory, but only two of the Barretts shown have tested that far while four have tested to 25 markers.

Too bad she missed the Wednesday cutoff   I've mentioned before.    It will now be next Wednesday before the order is shipped to the lab and an estimated results date established.    It will be interesting to see what this upgrade shows.

In the meantime, Janice, and anyone else who hasn't yet done so should upload your results to ySearch.    I'm here to help if you'll just let me know you need it.


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