Tuesday, January 15, 2008

numbers, numbers, numbers

Floyd's, #53, last panel, his Y-Refine25to37 order, came in yesterday.    It's posted.    Anyone been inspired to look at Floyd's line?    Hard to get a handle on it because the given names are so ordinary.    James, William and Chester.    Only Chester might be a little bit distinctive.
It's a nice thing that other's have the same or similar interests to ours.    I've had a kind of a sense of when SMGF did updates to their database, but nothing more than that.    Even then, it was just a 'sense' that they did it every three months or so.

Luckily, others have been interested enough to keep track.    Tim Janzen posted this list of updates to the SMGF database.    Make of it what you will.
Y chromosome database 
Number of haplotypes
Date 7 marker haplotypes with more than 34 markers
10/20/2006 15921 12967
12/06/2006 15953 12909
01/23/2007 16595 13460
03/12/2007 17332 14285
05/07/2007 17645 14510
07/10/2007 19113 14720
11/15/2007 21445 15519
mitochondrial DNA database 
Jul-06 ca 4000
10/20/2006 5792
12/06/2006 8517
01/23/2007 11285
03/12/2007 15760
05/07/2007 19543
07/10/2007 25104
11/15/2007 42012


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