Thursday, August 21, 2008


Sometimes n.b. means nota bene and sometimes it means 'newsy bits'.    This time it's the latter.

Drove yesterday to Fulford and Soule cemeteries in Hyde Co. for the Swan Quarter Project. An 80+ mile trip, each way, but, I think, successful.    Now to get the photos into presentable format to get them online.    Strangely, these two cemeteries have more Berrys than you can shake a stick at while two other cemeteries that I stopped at while driving between the two had none at all??!!!    Go figure.

Here's a teaser.
Berrys here.
None here.
Another bit is that Emmett Berry's, #119, Y-DNA1-12 markers of his Y-DNA67 order came back yesterday.    Unfortunately, no matches and, even worse, Emmett is no closer than a genetic distance of 10 from anyone else in the Project.    Additionally, I believe that Emmett is the only E1b1b1 in the Project!

Now's the time to recruit or sponsor more Berrys to test while FTDNA's Sizzling Summer Sale is still going on!


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