Saturday, November 15, 2008

Short Story

When I was a kid visiting my Grandmother in La Grande, Oregon, I used to go downtown to buy a toy soldier -- I don't remember now whether Grandma took me or if I was old enough to go by myself,   this would be early WWII,   but -- one of the highlights of each trip was a ride in the elevator at the Sacajawea Hotel.    This wasn't an automatic elevator (probably no such thing at that time) but one with an actual elevator operator.    Probably a good thing so that I couldn't just 'go wild' and stay the afternoon.

On my recent trip to Oregon I went by the Sacajawea Hotel (now demoted to the 'Sac Annex'   -   annex to what I couldn't tell) to see that elevator.    The door has a security lock so I could only see the elevator through the entryway.

Here's the 'Sacajawea Hotel' -
and here's the elevator -
I also recall that I rebelled when the price of a soldier went up to 15¢.    I apparently decided that "no tin soldier is worth 15¢".


Anonymous Kris Mallory said...

Hey I was just browsing the internet looking for pictures of the sac annex and stumbled across yours. The sac hotel was torn down and replace by a US bank in the seventies. The sac annex was the back half of the original hotel. It was used as long term rentals when the hotel was still in existence and still today. hence the name sac annex. there are a few pics on the internet where the annex is still visible along with the hotel.

10:40 PM  

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