Thursday, December 03, 2009

What's the problem?

I'm unable to tell whether the problem is that there is not enough happening, too much happening, or that I'm in some (hopefully temporary) funk.

We have had some happenings.

Curtis, #163, and Jim, #174, have both received their DYS464X results, both 15c-15c-17g-17g.    Both of them are Barry/Berrys and C.E., #77, and Bill, #79, of that family have also tested DYS464X.    We now have three of them tested as 15c-15c-17g-17g but Bill tested 15c-15c-17c-17c.    As you might imagine this has caused some consternation and puzzlement among them and in the FTDNA 464xccgg Project itself.    I believe that they're contemplating a retest for Bill.    [What!!??    Bill's now 15c-15c-17g-17g!?    When did that happen?]

I should mention that to see these results on our yResults pages, you must hover your cursor over the DYS464 values.

We also have a new member!    Clem Berry, #183.    Actually, this is pretty exciting because Clem is currently working on the Island of Mauritius.    Born in South Africa, he can trace his line back to Somerset, UK, around 1800.    What a boon if he matches one of our identified families!    Clem has ordered the Y-DNA67 test so there will be no ambiguity in his matches.


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