Friday, October 06, 2017
Just in from FTDNA
Because I'm certain that many of you have progressed in Y-DNA and SNP analysts beyond me, I'm passing on this 'heads-up' just received from FTDNA:
Dear Group Administrators,
We're releasing a big update to Big Y on October 10th and want to give you a first look before the release goes live.
Once the release is live, we will be recalculating Big Y matches. We anticipate this to take approximately 5-7 days. During this time, you will see a "Results Pending" page when you click on the Big Y section. You will be notified by email once your results are processed and ready.
Once the transition is complete, we will update you as to when BAM files will be available.
What’s New?
Here’s the breakdown of what we added and how it all works
Human Genome 38
We’ve updated from hg19 to hg38. This is a more accurate representation of the human genome and is the most recent version referenced by the human genome community.
Some of the advantages of hg38 are:
Better mapping of NGS data to the proper location
Consideration of alternative haplotypes across the genome
For more information about human genome builds, click here.
Terminal SNP Guide
We've added a terminal SNP Guide that allows you to view and filter the branches closest to the tester's terminal branch on the haplotree.
We’re giving you the ability to view your SNP data from Big Y. This will allow you to personally assess all SNP call positions that are being evaluated for matching purposes. This data will be continuously updated.

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