Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Sorry, short.

The YDNA1-12 results for Michael Beery, #69, were returned yesterday.   Unfortunately, Michael doesn't match anyone.   He is our first haplogroup G2.   The closest participants to him are distances of 4 - 6 on 12 markers (not related) and are members of the Augusta/Washington Berrys whose ancestry is Scots-Irish and who are all haplogroup I.   Michael's ancestors are German and Swiss while most of the other participants are of English or Irish ancestry.   Some day a match will show up.

Kenneth's, #80, kit was just returned to FTDNA, just in time for the shipment to the lab at 5:00 p.m. Mountain Time this evening.   ...and Michael Berry, #38, has just been upgraded to 37 markers (Thanks Julia).   If anyone else is thinking about upgrades, today's the day.   Kenneth's kit is a 67 marker order.   I think that will make 13 when his results come back, but I've sort of lost count.   At any rate, we're getting closer to having enough 67 marker results to run some meaningful cladograms.

Tomorrow I'll post an update to the tests currently in process with their estimated completion dates, after today's submissions are included.   I can tell you now that 67 marker results for James Dennis Berry, #28, were scheduled to be received Oct. 2, two days ago.   Not here.   Yet.


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