Thursday, April 12, 2007

. . . the nick of time.

Just in . . .    We got a new order yesterday and one of those 'out for swabbing' kits was returned yesterday.    Both very well timed, too.    You will recall that I've mentioned several times that if you're going to order a new test - Wednesday was the day to do it.    Just like clockwork these two tests were whisked off to the lab at around 4:30 mountain time yesterday afternoon.    Anything that comes in today now will have to sit around until next Wednesday before it even gets started.

BJ's, #88, Y-DNA37 kit was returned for processing and now has an estimated results date of 06/08/2007 and David, #57, ordered a DeepSNP-R1b test on his sample at FTDNA and already has an estimated results date of 05/28/2007.    Well done, folks!


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