Thursday, June 05, 2008

Fayette Co. Berrys

No sooner had I realized that I'd missed a new Berry family, than Dave's, #40, Y-DNA26-37 markers came in, further confirming his and John's, #113, genetic retationship as the Fayette Co. Berrys.

Perhaps of interest to someone, there is to be a Berry Reunion for, I think, these Berry folks on August 2, 2008 at high noon at the little church on Highland Mountain Road just off Route 41 in Layland Heights, WV.    This happens to be about 10 miles from where I'll be then, at the Appalachian String Band Music Festival at Clifftop, WV.    What an opportunity for any of you all that would like to get a 'twofer'.    A Berry reunion and a string band music festival!    C'mon down!    Pot luck.    I'm thinking about showing up with a handful of SMGF kits.    It would be great to see some of you there.


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