Saturday, March 28, 2009

In case you were wondering

DYF399 recLOH explanation by Rebekah

Referring to this map.

In between P2 and P3 is a copy of DYF399 that is a t type with a g insertion.    I think that is your 27.1t value.    On P1 are two copies of DYF399.    One is a t type and the other a c type.    Those would be your 22t and 22c.    On P1 DYF399 is located between the 188bp copies of DYF408 and the two c type copies of DYS464.

Now the interesting thing is when the alternative configuration is mapped, that is when P1/P2 crossovers happen, the t type with a g insertion and c type are next to each other.    If you then have a doubling of one of those values you are likely to have recLOH from a P1/P2 crossover.    From this I think that DYF399 is a good way to tell how a recLOH happened.


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