Monday, September 08, 2008

Where to end . . . .

To clean up (I think) the last of the SMGF Update 'discoveries' I'll offer what might seem to be disparate observations.

Bobby, #3, and SMGF Berry/Cornish are 'probably' a family.    Bobby has tested 25 markers and Berry/Cornish, 36 markers.    They have a genetic difference of two which FTDNA calls 'Probably Related'.    Interestingly, SMGF Berry/Cornish appears to be from Scotland.

I almost hesitate to suggest this but a new family comprised of Peter, #56, and SMGF Berry/Dunfee from Delaware could be a posssibility.    My hesitancy comes from the fact that Peter has only tested 12 markers.

Likewise, there is a suggestion that John, #114, could be a Faires Berry but with no paper connection and just 12 markers it is too risky to say so.

Ten markers were posted for Brian, #49, in the SMGF update, three of them previously untested.

What seems to me to be as important a discovery as any has been before us for a while but I needed to do the whole Project comparison to call it to my attention again.    That is that we have strong indications that Philip, #10 and Douglas, #121, are a family.    Philip has 67 markers and Doug has 30 from, and they have a genetic distance of one.    The significance of this, you may recall, is that Philip is an orphan searching for his family.    This may be a case where an mtDNA test by Doug to compare with the one Phil has already done could be very informative.

Finally, for those of you who may be interested, the Project-wide TMRCA may be seen here:

I may finesse a posting tomorrow.    It's my anniversary.


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