Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Berry Plain Berrys website updated!

I've finally gotten my Berry Plain Berrys website updated.    Several additions and corrections and I always welcome more.

I use the Reunion database which just recently upgraded to version 9 (now at release 9.05) and I'm beginning to feel a little more comfortable entrusting my data to it.    I'm gradually working up to feeling comfortable enough to trust it with my 38,604 person Augusta/Washington Co. Berry database, the online version of which is badly in need of updating!

Reunion is published by the Leister folks who don't take kindly to criticism.    I got banned from the ReunionTalk forum for being too vocal with my complaints so all I can do now is monitor it.    I can no longer post.    That's how they keep the tone uncritical 'civil'.

One thing I've never been able to get them to correct is the manner with which the database handles the lack of a spouse.    When viewing a 'Person Sheet', therefore, do not be misled by the designation 'Unmarried' under Spouses.    It should be ignored.    Notwithstanding that we often just don't have information about a person's spouse, the Reunion database cannot handle the lack of a spouse without gratuitously inserting the 'Unmarried' designation.    I will only use 'Never married' where appropriate, never 'Unmarried'.

Take a look.    Please let me know if anything doesn't work.


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